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Introducing Iowa’s “American Gothic”

One of the most famous and recognizable of all American homes is in Eldon, Iowa — the background of painter Grant Wood’s iconic “American Gothic.” The 1930 painting shows Wood’s sister, Nan, and his dentist, Dr. B.H. McKeeby, standing in front ...

While waiting for spring…

Does summer still seem a distant dream? Is spring playing coy in your back yard? Don’t despair — even if it’s still too soon to put the lawn furniture out and plant your tomatoes, there’s plenty you can do to ...

Start planning your summer happy place now

“A garden isn’t meant to be useful,” British writer Rumer Godden once said, “It’s for joy.” And that’s what springtime is all about — imaging and awaiting the joy of warm evenings in your yard. From coast to coast and the ...

Perk yourself — and your house — up with these 5 easy home improvements

It’s “insanely easy,” says DIY home improvement guru Bob Vila, whose website offers a couple dozen ideas for perking up your house while waiting for summer. It can be as easy a fresh coat of paint or a splash of color ...

Use window treatments as an opportunity to get creative

Finding it difficult to choose the right window treatments? You definitely want to think about your needs for privacy, preferred light levels and energy efficiency. But instead of seeing window treatments from a purely practical perspective, we also take the ...

Building a home for retirement can come with some unique characteristics.

Being able to build a dream home in preparation for retirement is a milestone worth celebrating. Many people save and plan during the duration of their adult lives in order to have a comfortable and worry-free home. As aging occurs, ...

Before applying for a new home, check your credit report.

Deciding to purchase a home is a major life event. Some people may do it more than once, while others save and wait for a dream home and settle down. Whichever end of the spectrum you may find yourself on, ...

Lighting is a crucial aspect to home design but is often overlooked during the planning process.

Lighting is a crucial aspect to home design but is often overlooked during the planning process. Atmosphere and functionality of room spaces are all affected by the choice of lighting within each room. Here are a few tips to keep ...

Home building trends for 2016.

Home building trends for 2016 are making their rounds in design circles. Some elements are new, and some you may have seen before. Here are some of the top trends to keep in mind if you are considering building or ...

Buying a home for the first time is an exciting experience

Deciding to buy or build your first home is very exciting but can quickly become a daunting task. Knowing how to be prepared can take away some of the stress. While it’s tempting to want to instantly go out and ...